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Aberration starts off with FBI agent Kassidy Bishop being attacked by a man she tried to put away but who got off on a technicality. He tortures her for hours, but she manages to survive the incident. After the attack and a lot of reconstructive surgery, Kassidy is promoted to the Behavioral Analysis Unit. Five years later, Kassidy is working a new case dubbed the “For You” killer. This serial killer typically murders people in a nonviolent way and then beats them post-mortem to make their death look more savage than it actually was. He also leaves the message “For You” at each crime scene in some fashion. Based on Kassidy’s profile, her unit begins a search for this killer, but it becomes a race against time as the bodies continue to pile up and it becomes clear that the killer is starting to lose control. As they continue to try to discover the identity of the killer, Kassidy discovers that these murders are actually closely connected to her and that someone has been following her for more than twenty years. After the death of her twin more than ten years ago and the attack on her life, she’s had a hard time letting people in. Now with this new information, she’s not sure who she can trust and who has made her their life-long obsession. Kassidy only knows that she will have to use all her training and profiling to discover the truth.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The author did such a fantastic job with all of the characters. Even when it came to the killer, I was starting to feel bad for him and understand why he did it. I mean, he probably should have found a different way to say “I love you,” but when you are that messed up it’s going to be hard. Kassidy was great. She was strong and brave as well as guarded but without coming across as annoying. It felt like she was the right mix between emotional and logical. I liked that more of the story was focused on the relationship between the killer and Kassidy than on other relationships in her life. There was also enough backstory on both characters for me that I felt like I got a good sense of why each was acting the way they were.
Overall, this was a fun read that was fairly clean of bad language and sex scenes. For those interested in FBI profiling, I think you will enjoy this book. It wasn’t a huge mystery who the killer was, but that didn’t bother me at all as I was more interested in the psychology aspect. You should check it out!
Author | Lisa Regan |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | eBook |
Page Count | 323 pages |
Publisher | Prodorutti Books |
Publish Date | 2016-Jun-30 |
ISBN | 9780623201701 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | June 2017 |
Category | Mystery, Crime, Thriller |
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