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American Hookup: The New Culture of Sex on Campus
This is a very serious, well-researched and informative academic study on the sexual hookup culture of colleges and universities. Sociologist Lisa Wade obviously spent many years to research the topic of hookup culture and to write American Hookup, a formidable volume backed by countless student interviews. Starting with student assignments in her sociology classes regarding the students’ sexual lives and experiences and continuing with collecting data on sex and romance on her on campus, her research further continued on a tour of twenty-four campuses in eighteen states. This book is a detailed treatise of Wade’s collected data. As an academic study, few average readers would likely enjoy this study unless seriously interested in the subject. This volume includes the result of many interviews and numerous quotes from students. We have such topics as the seven steps of hookup, sex in the drunkworld, cunnilingus and fellatio, sexual assault, orgasm and masturbation, falling in love, and pregnancies. The book starts with a lengthy introduction and an equally lengthy conclusion. As an academic volume, it has extensive notes, bibliographic entries, and resources. American Hookup will find a useful place on university library bookshelves.
Author | Lisa Wade |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 304 pages |
Publisher | W. W. Norton & Company |
Publish Date | 2017-Jan-10 |
ISBN | 9780393285093 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | February 2017 |
Category | Science & Nature |
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