Declaration of the Rights of Girls and Boys: A Flipbook

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This work is co-published with Amnesty International and is designed in a way that is easy to follow and redefines gender conventions through easy to understand declarations about the rights of both boys and girls. The individual declarations follow the examples of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the United States.

For both the boys’ and girls’ sides of the book (it is a reversible book), there are fifteen declarations, all following a specific theme for both genders. Each declaration takes the opposite gender norm for either a boy or girl. For example, one declaration for a girl says a girl can dream to be whatever she wants to be, soldier, firefighter, police officer, etc. For the boys declaration, it is careers like dancer, nurse, midwife, teacher, etc.

For every declaration there are a number of illustrative examples across the two pages for each declaration. This can make the pages kind of busy but at the same time provides illustrative examples as well. The book is cleverly designed to be easy to read but also to be affirming for those who might not fit into gender normative roles.

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Author Elisabeth Brami,Estelle Billon-Spagnol
Star Count /5
Format Hard
Page Count 64 pages
Publisher Little Island
Publish Date 12-Jul-2022
ISBN 9781915071200 Buy this Book
Issue September 2022
Category Children's