Extinctopedia: Discover what we have lost, what is at risk, and how we can preserve the diversity of our fragile planet (Smithsonian)

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We live in a world that has many challenges for all kinds of animals. We have already lost many animals, large and small, forever. Some were hunted to extinction by man—hunted for their fur or feathers or because they were misunderstood or simply because man had the power to destroy them. We are losing some because of climate change or because we are stealing their habitats to use the land for other purposes.

It is important for young people to know about these creatures so they can care enough to find ways to help protect them. This wonderful book tells the story of species that have been lost and those that will be lost if we don’t make some serious changes soon. The writing is accessible and conversational, yet carries the urgency of the situation. The illustrations are absolutely stunning. They are detailed and very realistic, yet they have the warmth only illustrations can carry.

There are concrete suggestions for what we can do to help protect animals as well as hopeful news about some successes and the discovery of new species. A good glossary rounds things out. This is an excellent resource that will make a difference.

Reviewed By:

Author Serenella Quarello, Alessio Alcini, Margaret Greenan
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 64 pages
Publisher Red Comet Press
Publish Date 12-Mar-2024
ISBN 9781636550725
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue May 2024
Category Children's