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From Chicago to Vietnam: A Memoir of War
Michael Duffy was a young man when he joined the Army and was shipped to Vietnam. He landed as a twenty-two-year-old Lieutenant with orders to Saigon. His arrival would be at a turning point in the Vietnam conflict, and he became a witness to the Tet Offensive in January 1968. After various flights, Duffy would begin his tour in a place named Bearcat, where he would oversee trips to ammunition dumps in order to pick up ammunition for the various companies to utilize. Duffy was in uncharted territory, though his brother Dan had been in Vietnam a little while longer. Duffy knew his duties but longed for the future of a college education at Colorado College. His admission to the school would be one of his prouder accomplishments. Duffy details his day-to-day interactions with his fellow soldiers as well as the local population. He survives a bout with amoebic dysentery while still carrying out his duties. He oversees the firing of the big guns that target the opposition. Duffy’s service is exemplary, and he receives a Bronze Star for his brave actions in combat. He is an able leader who doesn’t look to settle scores with insubordinate men despite their contempt. He emerges physically unscathed for the most part, but is he emotionally okay? Duffy comes home from the war and starts his education in Colorado. School in Colorado and life at home in Chicago each bring their challenges–the common lot of a Vietnam veteran.
From Chicago to Vietnam is a heartfelt re-telling of a battlefield education. The author doesn’t feel the need to embellish his actions during his tour. There is heart and humor in the story but also the aching of lost youth. Duffy questions the anger that lay inside when he saw those protesting the war and excoriating him and his fellow soldiers. But overall Michael Duffy tells a story of a soldier and a war; he performed his duty admirably and tells his life story just as well. A moving autobiography.
Author | Michael Duffy |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Trade |
Page Count | 328 pages |
Publisher | Inkwater Press |
Publish Date | 9/1/2016 |
ISBN | 9781629013664 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | 12/1/2016 |
Category | Biographies & Memoirs |
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