Give Me Your Answer True

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Daisy Bianco is an aspiring ballet dancer who has it all: a loving boyfriend (Erik), an amazing group of friends (Will and Lucky), and a career in dancing. But when a single incident almost costs them their lives, Daisy has a hard time coping with the loss of her peers and teachers. One mistake costs her the love of her life, and she resorts to hurting herself as a means of punishment for what she’s done. When she can’t take it anymore, she seeks help from Rita, her fifth therapist in two months. Give Me Your Answer True is a sequel to The Man I Love by Suanne Laqueur and tells Daisy’s side of the story.

The novel opens with Daisy at her first session with Rita, who coaxes her into telling why she resorted to cutting herself. Daisy then starts from the beginning, her initial difficult months in Lancaster, encountering professional jealousy, the context of her meeting with Erik, her amazing partnership with Will and how Lucky came to be her best friend. Daisy would occasionally hole up and refuse to speak, but, with Rita’s support, she relives the Lancaster shooting and its consequences. Then onwards is her downhill spiral, morally and professionally. With Erik refusing to speak to her and her attempts to revive her career in New York City, she keeps herself busy so as not to think about what she lost. And going back to one thought: Will she ever love again?

Give Me Your Answer True has been penned brilliantly, and the flashbacks to Daisy’s college life, rather than her narrating in third person, prove the skill of the author. Ms. Laqueur skillfully dissects the personalities of each character, and expresses the impact of vulnerability, personal trauma, courage and loyalty at a young age. Readers who have read The Man I Love will rejoice over their favorite characters being back, while this novel is highly recommended for readers of the Romance genre.

Reviewed By:

Author Suanne Laqueur
Star Count /5
Format eBook
Page Count 506 pages
Publisher Cathedral Rock Press
Publish Date 20-Jun-15
ISBN Buy this Book
Issue October 2015
Category Romance


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