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Learning to Quit: How to Stop Smoking and Live Free of Nicotine Addiction
Learning to Quit: How To Stop Smoking And Live Free Of Nicotine Addiction by Suzanne Harris, RN, NCTTP and Paul Brunetta, MD addresses the concerns, issues, and difficulties associated with the process of quitting smoking. Parts One and Two thoroughly cover in fifteen chapters a variety of topics and questions that typically arise for those looking to quit smoking. Through the words and experiences of the authors and other former smokers, readers will find a sense of community and a support system overflowing with those that know this dependence first hand. Throughout Part One, Harris and Brunetta provide a variety of first-hand accounts that showcase personal insights into the quitting process. The authors thoughtfully set the tone from the beginning, explaining that quitting “is a very personal process. Some people want lots of medical information and explanations. Others get inspiration from true-life stories… Pick and choose which parts of this book are of use to you, trusting yourself to be drawn to what will be the most meaningful… This book is a tool, so use it like one.” These experiences illustrate how various individuals have overcome certain obstacles and how to avoid foreseeable missteps. The personal narratives fall within several helpful categories such as “What Moves You To Be a Nonsmoker,” “What Keeps You Smoking,” and “I’m Already Sick, So What’s The Difference If I Smoke?” Part Two expands on the topics raised in Part One and incorporates the medical portion of the conversation to examine how nicotine impacts cancer and cardiovascular risks. Moreover, Part Two explores highly-advertised alternatives on the market such as nicotine patches and vaping tools, as well as less-familiar options like acupuncture and hypnosis. Harris and Brunetta put together an approachable handbook that supports readers regardless of where they are in the process. Readers can look through individual chapters that speak directly to their circumstances or read the whole thing cover to cover. The “Three Key Points” at the end of each chapter provide reflective topics to encourage journaling and refocusing again and again on your individual intentions throughout this process. However a reader chooses to engage with this book, each will find reassurance and comfort within the pages of Learning to Quit. It’s exceptional guidance and support throughout the entire process earns this book its rating. You’ll be glad you picked up a copy and took the early steps to quitting smoking. It’s never too early or too late to take a step in the right direction. Take control of your health and life today!
Author | Suzanne Harris, Paul Brunetta |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | eBook |
Page Count | 368 pages |
Publisher | Avasta |
Publish Date | 10-Dec-2019 |
ISBN | 9781944473006 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | January 2020 |
Category | Health, Fitness & Dieting |
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