Negative Cat
This story follows an eager young boy who desperately wants a cat for a pet. He promises his parents that he will take care of his new pet, keep his room clean, and stay consistent with his daily reading. His parents finally give in, allowing him to choose a cat from the shelter to take home. The young boy’s excitement fades when he learns that his cat is negative. His family grows tired of the cat and calls the shelter to come retrieve the pessimistic feline. The boy is so terrified of losing his cat that he instantly tidies up his room and starts reading out loud. He is surprised to see that his formerly negative cat became instantly sweet and attentive once he starts reading out loud.
Sophie Blackall was motivated to write this story when she heard about a group of children who read aloud to shelter cats. When children think about getting a pet, they immediately think of how fun it could be to have a furry companion instead of focusing on caring for a being that requires love and affection. Negative Cat shows how important it is to give and receive love in all its forms.
Author | Sophie Blackall |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 32 pages |
Publisher | Nancy Paulsen Books |
Publish Date | 31-Aug-2021 |
ISBN | 9780399257193 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | January 2022 |
Category | Children's |
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