Sex, Power, and Partisanship: How Evolutionary Science Makes Sense of Our Political Divide

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Sex, Power, and Partisanship: How Evolutionary Science Makes Sense of Our Political Divide explores how the human mind developed over centuries to produce the subconscious biases that now govern our political persuasions. Acknowledging the contentious nature of the book’s subject upfront, the author Hector A. Garcia explains, “Understanding evolutionary science, though, requires an unflinching gaze in the mirror. Often revelations we find in evolutionary approaches can be surprising and, for some, a bit unnerving.” And indeed, the book’s main argument, that male-mate competition drives our political outlook, seems to undermine our traditional belief that we – as humans – are separated from animals because of our “free will,” is an argument that would cause some readers to be uncomfortable. Garcia, however, continually reminds the reader that his argument is based on trends and generalities, not individuals, thereby easing the uncomfortable message. But his message is important in order for us to understand our own biases, and by understanding and questioning those biases, we are able to make more informed political decisions. Therefore his book is a must-read for those who truly care about our democracy.

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Author Hector A. Garcia
Star Count /5
Format Trade
Page Count
Publisher Prometheus Books
Publish Date 2019-02-05
ISBN 9781633885141 Buy this Book
Issue August 2019
Category Current Events & Politics


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