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Southern from Scratch: Pantry Essentials and Down-Home Recipes
Every region has its own style of cooking and treasured traditions in their kitchens. It isn’t just recipes that are indigenous to the region, but a way of flavoring, combining flavors, and using produce that is particular to the area. As author Ashley English says in her introduction, her emphasis is “on seasonal produce and slow cooking.” But before one can get down to Southern cooking, one needs to set up a true Southern pantry, and English makes setting that up the heart of this book. She outlines the ingredients and equipment needed. The ingredients are surprisingly few and the equipment is quite simple — a cast iron skillet, mason jars, canning tongs, and a slow cooker. The recipes are in eight sections: Pickles & Relishes, James & Spreads, Sauces & Vinegars, Fruits & Vegetables, Dry Goods & Sundries, Fats & Meats, Icebox & Freezer, Sweeteners & Desserts. All recipes have an introduction, ingredients list, and step-by-step instructions, and many are accompanied by mouth-watering photos. English’s lively writing and use of good storytelling techniques make this book a real treasure for learning about the foods of different regions. Do not miss the Blueberry Ketchup or the Bourbon Bacon Jam. They will liven up so many meals.
Author | Ashley English • Johnny Autry, Photographer |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 256 pages |
Publisher | Roost Books |
Publish Date | 2019-04-24 |
ISBN | 9781611803310 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | May 2019 |
Category | Cooking, Food & Wine |
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