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Undeterred KKK Target KKK Witness
Tracey Brame’s Undeterred: KKK Target, KKK Witness encompasses a powerful, unprecedented narrative of survival and endurance of the human mind and spirit. As cases of post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, gain increasing awareness and study, Brame’s book brings to light the complicated diagnosis, treatment, and management of the often-misunderstood disease. Moreover, it respectfully and authoritatively describes the shock and, in some cases, the dissociative amnesia connected to PTSD. A riveting work from beginning to end, Undeterred: KKK Target, KKK Witness demands a strictly mature audience due to the substantial, graphic rape descriptions. In order to provide an accurate, accessible lens to comprehend PTSD, shock, and dissociative amnesia, Brame discloses her brutal rape by her fiancé while at West Point as well as the modernized terror attacks on Brame by the Ku Klux Klan, or KKK, in Indiana. She explains, “My brain suffered from the memory loss of these traumatic events, which meant, as long as I could not remember the rape due to my PTSD, Jayns could continue to hunt me until I recognized him as a predator.” It also prevented her from recognizing other individuals as predators, making her a prime target for the KKK. More than hooded figures riding around on horses at night, racist clan figures physically, emotionally, sexually, professionally, legally, and virtually terrorized Brame for years as she suffered with dissociative amnesia caused by PTSD. Shock coupled with dissociative amnesia left Brame helpless and unable to confront her attackers for years. Now with Undeterred: KKK Target, KKK Witness Brame turns the table on her attackers to expose the malicious tactics employed to bend the human spirit. Despite their best efforts, Tracey Brame’s spirit was not broken and instead prevails as an example for all of good triumphing over evil. Brame’s story is one of survival, perseverance, and endurance that will inspire and inform readers for generations to come.
Author | Tracey Brame |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | eBook |
Page Count | 374 pages |
Publisher | NB Bookshelf |
Publish Date | 2017-Jul-01 |
ISBN | 9786928227550 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | February 2018 |
Category | Biographies & Memoirs |
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