Q. What is the best part of being a book reviewer?
A. Manna from heaven! Free books! But really, I enjoy reading, and I enjoy helping authors, especially new authors.
Q. Is the book always better than the movie?
A. I haven’t come across an instance yet where I thought the movie/show was better than the book. However, Game of Thrones may very well be that case. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Q. If you could meet a fictional character, who would it be?
A. There would be a few. Heh. I would love to have a chance to sit and talk with Sherlock Holmes. Victorian Holmes, but also either of the two of modern day. Forensics and criminalistics fascinate me. I was going to school at one point to be a forensic anthropologist. I’d love to meet the elder Holmes too 🙂
Drizzt Do’Urden, of RA Salvatore’s Legend of Drizzt series is a close second. Reading and rereading those books got me through some rough times. I even had a kitty named Drizzt.
I would also love to meet Temeraire, from Naomi Novik’s wonderful chronicles. The very forward thinking, progressive dragon would be a pleasure to talk to.
This page was created by an City Book Review staff member.