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I Didn’t Believe any of this Hippie Dippy Bulls**t Either – A Skeptic’s Awakening to the Spiritual Universe
Julie Rasmussen, you should really think about going into comedy. I laughed my butt off while reading your book I Didn’t Believe Any of this Hippie Dippy Bulls**t Either. It was so refreshing to read someone’s story that didn’t end up with everything perfect in the end. Okay, so it’s not the end since your saga goes on because it’s your life, but at the end of the book, I was left wanting to know more about what happens in your life. I am also going to hop on YouTube and start researching about the Twin Flames. I’m not hippie dippy at all, but I do believe in the energy and the universe and higher powers.
This book made me think about my own relationships and the people around me. The 11:11 thing was something that was brought up to me by a co-worker, and ever since my grandmother (to whom I was very close) passed, I somehow tend to glance up at the clock when it turns to 11:11. It always puts a smile on my face, and I can feel her watching over me. Julie’s story was captivating, and I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen between her and Bo. Although I’m not an orange like Julie and Bo (you’ll have to read the book to know what I mean by that), I am a gold, which I think goes quite well with oranges (now you really want to know what I’m talking about, huh?). I have several orange friends, so it was no wonder this book made me chuckle so much.
One of my favorite parts in the book was the quote by Steven Pressfield in The War of Art, which says, “The truly free individual is free only to the extent of his own self-mastery. While those who will not govern themselves are condemned to find masters to govern over them.” I thought about the people I know. There are those who are in control over the majority of aspects of their lives. The people who are constantly learning and bettering themselves to make the best choices possible for themselves. And then there are the people who listen to other people and just do what those people say they should do without thinking about it. I absolutely loved Julie’s story about how she grew and took control over her own life. I could feel her get emotionally stronger as the book went on, and I loved it!
This was a well-written memoir of how author Julie Rasmussen opened her mind to things such as Twin Flames, magic numbers, and fire hoses and flower beds that you cannot share. It was funny and sad and hopeful all in one starry-covered book. ALL OF THE STARS, JULIE! I can’t wait to read more.
Author | Julie Rasmussen |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Trade |
Page Count | 198 pages |
Publisher | Red Renegade Press |
Publish Date | 2018-Jun-28 |
ISBN | 9780692080900 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | September 2018 |
Category | Spirituality & Inspiration |
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