Love Is a Rogue: Wallflowers vs. Rogues (Wallflowers Vs Rogues)

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Lenora Bell is one of those rare, talented writers capable of causing instant delight in her readers. I first discovered this with her School for Dukes trilogy, but Love is a Rogue, the first of what I hope will be several books featuring ambitious young women, was a refreshing reminder.

Lady Beatrice Bentley first meets Stamford Wright as he works on renovations to her brother’s country mansion. The tension between them is thrilling, but their time in Cornwall is not to last. The plot skips ahead several weeks, to what Beatrice hopes will be her last season in London. She has no intention of marrying. She does, however, intend to repair the bookshop she inherited from her aunt.

And who should appear but a roguish carpenter who is all too distracting for an ambitious, sesquipedalian wallflower?

Just as in What A Difference A Duke Makes, Lenora Bell has presented us with a romance for someone who actually works. I hope this is a trend that grows in historical romance; fond as I am of dukes and ladies, this time I found myself head over heels for a man who knows how to use his hammer.

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Author Lenora Bell
Star Count /5
Format Mass
Page Count 380 pages
Publisher Avon Books
Publish Date 2020-Oct-27
ISBN 9780062993458 Buy this Book
Issue February 2021
Category Romance


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