Russia Reconsidered: Putin, Power, and Pragmatism

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The Cold War waged between the United States and Russia has been over for more than a quarter century. A tenuous cease-fire of harsh words and ill will replaced by offers of friendship and alliance has been in the offing. However, the past few years have witnessed a simmering of tension between both countries’ leadership. Hints and allegations of the Russian bear awaking from its slumber has alarmed the Bush-Obama administrations. Russian assertiveness is viewed warily. Attempts at a reset in the relationship proved disastrous, with Vladimir Putin seen as a war-like tyrant with his hand on the throats of his citizens. The invasion of Georgia in 2008, Ukraine in 2014, the alleged downing of an airliner–all hallmarks of malign intent of the Russians. There are those in the government who look at things more in the grey area, and Russia is more proactive, looking for an alliance with the US. Both these views are a study in contrasts. The 2016 election and subsequent times have only heightened the fears of our former ally/foe. Where will all this lead?

Russia Reconsidered is a catalog of excellent insights offered by various journalists and analysts on the current US-Russia relationship. Both sides are examined over various subjects from Syria to climate change to computer espionage. Opposing viewpoints are offered but challenged as well. A timely, much needed treatise. A-

Reviewed By:

Author Matthew Crosston
Star Count /5
Format Hard
Page Count 409 pages
Publisher Brown Books Publishing Group
Publish Date 2018-Jun-12
ISBN 9781612549842 Buy this Book
Issue December 2018
Category Current Events & Politics


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