by Gloria J. Yorke | Mar 5, 2019 | Articles, Writer to Writer, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
As one commits in their mind to do the daunting task of writing a book, they must first be honest with themselves regarding the reason for doing so. Is it fame and fortune…or the desire to share a lifetime of knowledge…or just something to give to family and friends?...
by D.B. Moffatt | Nov 17, 2018 | Articles, Resources for Writers, Writer to Writer, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
Let me start off by saying this is one of the most challenging pieces of writing I have ever attempted. That is for two reasons. The first is The City Book Review itself. City’s reputation in our industry is unsurpassed. The second is that it gave me pause to...
by Jane Yolen | Jul 1, 2018 | Articles, Writer to Writer, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
I tell my writing students that the magic word is BIC: Butt in Chair. Or, for those who faint at the thought of using the B-word, try: bottom, backside, behind, or buhunkus. Then get off your fainting couch and get to work. Of course, just staring at the piece of...
by Annemarie Guertin | Jun 28, 2018 | Articles, Writer to Writer
I began my journey toward publication in April of 2016. I was teaching first grade at the time and was in the beginning stages of planning out a unit on folktales. As I researched titles to use in the classroom (that aligned with the Common Core standards), I noticed...
by Gail Baker | Jun 25, 2018 | Articles, Writer to Writer, Writing Process
Several years after I converted from Judaism to Christianity, I began the practice of journaling. While rigorous and punishing, the exercise helped me to overcome psychic dissonance by processing confusing thoughts and emotions. I framed my story as a coherent whole...